Use only secure content with https links in your web pages

Google’s Chrome web browser begins blocking all types of insecure content in secure web pages, starting in the beginning of 2020. If you are using SpreadsheetConverter 8 or later, your calculators and web forms support https. 

We advise you to check your secure websites to ensure that they have no audios, videos, images, scripts, styles or iframes that are loaded insecurely.

Secure links are encrypted, and begin with “https”, as in this HTML code:

If you have previously used insecure links, they begin with just “http”, and their content is sent from the server in clear text to the client.


Why is Google doing this?

Google wants Chrome to be able to say “the contents of this web page can be trusted”, but many websites still mix secure and insecure content, which means that the web content cannot really be trusted anyway. Any insecure content could be manipulated during transmission, and this is impossible to prevent or detect without encryption.

If you haven’t started encrypting your web properties yet, this change doesn’t really affect you. Chrome will still let people visit your insecure website over http. We recommend that you obtain an encryption key for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and switch to https, since this will make your website more secure, and may also give it a higher ranking in the Google search engine.

If your website is already securely accessed via https, you should verify that there is no remaining mixed (unencrypted) content. You may want to use an online scanner like to check your entire website for insecure http links. Every unencrypted http link must be upgraded to https, which may require additional SSL certificates.

The easiest solution is often to use relative links, e.g.

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/logo.png" />

which defaults to the protocol and domain name that was used to open the page.


What is the timetable?

  • Chrome 79 will be released to the “stable channel” in December 2019, and comes with an option for users to unblock insecure resources, like iframes and scripts, which are currently blocked by default. The unblocking of such mixed content will be available on a per-site basis.
  • Chrome 80 will be released to the “development channel” in January 2020. It will auto-upgrade mixed audio and video resources to HTTPS, and resources that fail to load over HTTPS will be blocked by the browser. Users will have the option to unblock affected audio and video resources (as in Chrome 79) using the setting described above.
  • Chrome 81, to be released to early release channels in February 2020, will block images outright if they fail to load over HTTPS.

Read more in Google’s announcement.


What about SpreadsheetConverter?

The forms and calculators you have created with SpreadsheetConverter version 8 or later are secure when accessed via https. Older versions of the add-in may have generated HTML with mixed content.

  • The easiest solution is to upgrade to the latest version of SpreadsheetConverter, convert your spreadsheets again and update the web pages.
  • If you only use a few calculators or forms, you can request our help with a one-time conversion for $300 per spreadsheet.
  • Of course, you can manually edit the existing HTML source to replace all http links with their https counterparts and if necessary install the required SSL certificates – but it may not be a task for the faint-hearted.

You can download the latest version of SpreadsheetConverter from the Download page.

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