The Advanced Submit Service saves incoming web forms in a cloud database hosted by us. You can filter, sort and download saved forms whenever you like.  When you use the Advanced Submit Service, all your web forms are sent to our forms processing server, which stores the submitted data in a database for later retrieval. This is extra useful when the volume of submitted forms can be so high that it becomes impractical to handle each form as a separate e-mail. AutoFilter Simple Course Evaluation Screenshot Our server also sends each form response directly to your e-mail Inbox. With the Advanced service, these e-mails look exactly like the form did when the user entered data into it, including graphics and charts. Getting an e-mail for each new form makes it easy for you to know when there is work to do. When the volume of form responses is low, you can even process each form directly from the e-mail, without using the database. Screenshot of an e-mail from the advanced Submit Service All submitted forms are stored in a secure database server that is hosted by us, on the Internet. There is absolutely no programming required on your part to use it. All you have to do is sign up for the Advanced service and enter the registered e-mail address when you define each electronic form. The basic subscription includes cloud storage for 100,000 received forms. Whenever you like, you can logon to our server to filter and sort the collected forms before you download them into Excel for further processing. You can also register forms manually, e.g. from paper forms or during telephone calls.

Additional features

  • The e-mail from the Advanced service contains the form’s contents also in PDF and CSV format.
  • If forms include Google Map widgets, these maps are present also in the PDF file.
  • If forms include Link Image widgets with secure image links that begin with https, these images are present also in the PDF file.
  • If you add the File Attachment widget to a form, users can attach files to the form, e.g. to enclose a CV with a job application. Your subscription includes 32 GB cloud storage to accomodate well over 8,000 uploaded files. You will be notified before reaching your plan limits.
  • If the contents of a form are sensitive, you can use the Secure Delivery feature which requires a user name and password to access the forms in the database.
  • If your form includes an interactive chart, it will be included with the submitted form.

There is no practical limit to the number of different forms you can develop or publish on the web. The subscription fee is $15/month and you can buy a license at the bottom of this page.

Filter, sort and download submitted forms

Before you can study the forms collected on the server, you need a user name and password that you get from us when you sign up for the service. When you login to your forms database on our server, it looks like this: AutoFilter Simple Course Evaluation Screenshot In this case, a form called Simple Course Evaluation is shown, and the list includes All entries. You can change this to display only the most recently received forms, or forms received between any two dates. If you get some responses by mail or via telephone, you can manually enter form responses directly into the database. Just press New and the original web form opens. Fill it in and press Save and you have added another row to the database. Press Refresh to scan the database for new form submissions. Using the column headers, you can filter and sort the data in the database just like in Excel. AutoFilter Options Simple Course Evaluation Screenshot With filtering, you can easily exclude all entries that have a blank value in a particular column, or elect to process only them. With the Custom setting you can also search for unique values like an instructor name, or use wildcards. Screenshot of a filter for the Instructor column set to Darren By checking the checkbox next to one or more rows, you can delete unwanted forms submissions or the ones you’ve already downloaded with Delete marked rows. When you have filtered and sorted the list the way you like it, you just press Save as Excel to download all the forms in the list. When you download submitted forms, you get a nice Excel file, with column headers and with AutoFilters enabled. You can now process the electronic forms directly in Excel, copy and paste them to another program or import the file somewhere else. Screenshot of submitted forms saved from the Advanced Submit Service to Excel Did you notice the RSS Feed button in the first image above? Another convenient feature of the Advanced Submit Service is that you can monitor incoming form submissions both as e-mails and using an RSS reader.  

Online demonstration

We have created an online demonstration of how you can download forms from the Advanced Submit Service to Excel in your own PC.

  1. To login to the demonstration site you will need a user name and password that you must memorize now. Please remember to log in as user demo with password demo.
  2. The demonstration site will open in a new tab or window. These instructions will remain in this browser window. After you’ve logged in to the demonstration site you must switch between the two windows to follow the demonstration.
  3. Now open the Advanced Submit Server demonstration site in your web browser and login using the instructions above.
  4. When you have logged in to the demonstration site, select “Simple Course Evaluation” in the top, left-hand menu, and “All” in the time period selector on the right-hand side. You will now see the latest twenty submissions for this form.
  5. To use the AutoFilter feature, click on the heading for the Instructor column and select Custom. You should get a window similar to the one below. Change the condition to Equals and the value to Darren. Click OK. Now you can view, save or delete only the survey responses for the instructor named Darren. Screenshot of a filter for the Instructor column set to Darren
  6. Click “Save as Excel” in the top row of buttons. The browser should offer you the option of opening the spreadsheet in Excel or save it to disk.
  7. Please contact our help desk if the demonstration site doesn’t work as you expected.

Receive formatted e-mails

The free service simply sends you an e-mail for every completed form, with the form fields and their values in a table. With the Advanced Submit Service, each e-mail contains a screenshot of the whole form, maintaining the original form layout from the web server. This makes it much easier to interpret the contents of the form. If a user opens this form and presses Submit, you will get the following e-mail.

The School Store  
  Price Quantity    
Adjustable Baseball Cap £10  
Pro-Back Baseball Cap £20  
T-shirts £10  
Denim Shirt £30  
Zipper Sweatshirt £35  
Gym Shirt £10  
Gym Shorts £10  
Moch Turtleneck £30  
Champion Windbreaker £40  
Short sleeve polo £30  
Long Sleeve Polo £35  
Senior T-shirts £15  
Sweatshirts £30  
Child’s Sweatshirt £25  
Sales tax 17.5%  
Shipping (free over £100)  
Credit Card Charges 1.9% of subtotal  
Please, bill my creditcard  
Expiry date  
Security code  
Name on card  
Post Code  
Please keep me updated of news and information about products  
Thank you for your order!  
Submit received from ( at 2004-09-16T10:39:38.


Advanced Submit Service license

The Advanced Submit Service is licensed separately, per month or with a 15% discount for a yearly license.

Six months of Advanced Submit Service is included for free when you buy a Professional Edition product.

To continue using the Advanced Submit Service after the free trial period, or to start a new subscription, use one of the links below. Save 15% with a yearly payment.

You need one license for each e-mail address you use to receive submitted forms. This e-mail address is also used to login to the server and access all the received forms. There is no limit to the number of different forms you can publish or to the number of responses you can receive for each form.

VAT or the equivalent sales tax in your country will be added to the prices below if applicable. Please contact our pre-sales Help Desk for more information.

Free Service




The HTML and JavaScript for the web form is created automatically from an Excel spreadsheet

For every completed form, you get an e-mail with all the form fields

Supports mandatory and hidden fields

Responsive, mobile-friendly design

Field contents can be calculated or validated using Excel formulas and functions

Select images or show maps depending on form field contents

Hide rows or entire sections that aren’t applicable

Create multi-step forms with wizard or sliding panel layout

Use themes for formatting and layout

Nothing to install in your server or website

No programming skills required, just enter an e-mail address

No change to configuration or settings

Advanced Service, monthly license




Use all the features of the Advanced service

Flexible, monthly billing

Known issues

  1. The e-mail infrastructure is beyond our control and there is simply no way for us to guarantee that you get all the e-mails we send you. E-mails may be blocked as spam or phishing attempts. With the Advanced Submit feature, we recommend that you always download new form submissions directly from our web server instead of taking the risks of e-mail delivery.
  2. Hidden sheets may not be supported by all e-mail clients.
  3. If your web form uses conditional formatting, this formatting will not be applied to the e-mail.